Monday, February 11, 2013

'Socratic Circle' in Spanish

Students in Dr. Jacobson's 7-8 classes engaged in a 'Socratic Circle' discussion by responding to questions on topics selected by each class. The discussion of each theme is conducted entirely in Spanish. At the conclusion of the activity students participated in a critical thinking activity, evaluating the relevancy of the topics to their own lives as well as to society as a whole.
Spanish 5-6 classes reviewed the imperative/command forms. In addition, students discussed their career goals in anticipation of activities related to the final 'Entrevista', where each 3rd year student participates in an interview with a fluent speaker of the Spanish language.

AP students prepared for an in-depth form of the Socratic Circle discussion and tape recorded the poem 'El cuervo' as well as selections from the 'Narratives' and 'Entrevistas' from the Barron's Spanish AP text. Students then identified elements of figurative language and responded to questions requiring varied types of critical thinking (e.g. synthesis, analysis and application).