Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Students watch & review "101 Dalmatians" en español

Mr. McVeigh's Spanish 3-4 students are watching "101 Dalmatians" in Spanish.  The students will be acting as newspaper movie reviewers: they'll write a two-paragraph article that reviews the movie and summarizes their favorite scene. To do that, they'll use the art vocabulary from Etapa 2 as well as the communications vocabulary from Etapa 3. Once they've written their compositions, they'll do a peer-editing activity and then create a final draft of their work.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mr. Blackwelder, Teacher of the Month!

Mr. Blackwelder, our very own Japanese teacher, was selected November's Teacher of the Month!  This is the second World Languages Teacher to be so honored (Mrs. Arinn Smith was September).  We're proud that the great work that Mr. Blackwelder does has been recognized. 

Omedeto gozaimasu!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Murals Project in Spanish 3-4

Mr. Lawhead's Spanish 3-4 class is studying Mexican Murals of "Social Realism" style.  They are working singly or collaboratively on producing a small mural and essay explaining it.  The class will choose the best work to be displayed in large size on the class bulletin board.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Crossword Puzzles in Spanish 1-2

Mrs. Trott's classes are creating crossword puzzles with new vocabulary by bringing one blank crossword to give to another student to complete and one with the answer key for Trott. Fun!

Des Signets in French 1-2

Mrs. Leidhoff's first-year French students are presenting des “signets” to demonstrate good use of adjectives and to speak about themselves and their personalities. Students will share out  in carousel. These “signets” are so creative!

Family Trees in ASL 1-2 and signing for the holidays

Mrs. Lenhof's ASL 1-2 began developing a Family Tree story to present to each other in small groups. Next week they launch into Group Stories using units 1 - 8. They will be working collaboratively with Mrs. Smith's 3 - 4 students on presentations. Also, to celebrate the holidays, they are preparing songs to sign to various classes on campus.

ASL 3 & 5 Video presentations and volunteer work

Mrs. Smith's ASL 3 and 5 are finishing up their 1st video recorded presentations introducing a family member for their video portfolios. They will also be volunteering at Deaf Community Services annual Christmas Party this Sat. The students will be working with Deaf children creating holiday crafts and playing games

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is TPR/S?

TPR/S is an oral/aural techinque used in Mr. Lawhead's class to enhance students oral fluency.  Using hand gestures to tell stories assists students in learning vocabulary and to be fluent in describing the world around them.  Mr. Lawhead uses stick-figure stories on the board or paper to present students with new situations to talk about.  The video shows a student telling a story to her partners.  No English is allowed during this time.