Sunday, September 18, 2011

"El Grito" and Miguel Hidalgo

After learning a little about "El Grito" last Friday, Sr. McVeigh's Spanish 5-6 and 7-8 students will learn more about Padre Hidalgo through a musical biography of him sung by Hermanos Zavala. This activity is a fun way of incorporating history and culture, as well as some listening practice, into our classes. The 5-6 and 7-8 students are also preparing for their first vocabulary quizzes this week and the Etapa Preliminar Review Exams next week. AP Spanish students are about two-thirds of the way through the AP Practice Exam - ¡bravo! In the process, they have written a letter to a grandparent and an online article about a superstar's summer. On Monday, they will start reading an audio eBook (with full PDF transcript) about the life of Miguel Hidalgo.