Students in Dr. Jacobson's Spanish classes are studying and preparing for final exams. Students have written a 3-page skit and will deliver a formal presentation describing the steps in a process (e.g. Following directions in a recipe, Writing a superior essay, Preparing for college, etc.) as a part of final evaluations.
Dr. Jacobson is encouraging her students to expand their knowledge of the Spanish language through reading. Lexile Publishing Company provides students and parents with a list of suggested book titles in Spanish, organized according to the Common Core Standards. A terrific resource for summer reading as well as for reading throughout the school year!
Dr. Jacobson is encouraging her students to expand their knowledge of the Spanish language through reading. Lexile Publishing Company provides students and parents with a list of suggested book titles in Spanish, organized according to the Common Core Standards. A terrific resource for summer reading as well as for reading throughout the school year!