Spanish 5-6 students are reminded of the Entrevista de Empleo project on the World Languages bulletin board located on the outside wall of Room 250. Charts of the project packet are displayed along with pictures of well-dressed students from past years. The project includes an essay, a resumé, an interview with a Spanish-speaking member of the community and a thank-you letter. The interviews are given on April 29 & 30.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Compare & Contrast Essays in Spanish 5-6
Señor Lawhead's Spanish 5-6 students used Naviance's "Do What You Are" survey as a basis for their questions and answers during a peer interview that will result in a compare and contrast essay, an important component of the mock-job interview project.
Skits and shopping simulations in Spanish!
Señora Trott's Spanish 1-2 classes are preparing skits in class. Students will
either role play an exchange student from Puerto Rico visiting their family for
the summer or create and describe a family tree for a famous Spanish speaking
Spanish 3-4 students are shopping in a large mall in Puerto Rico named Plaza las Americas. 3-4 students will write, proof read and perform a skit that includes a saleperson, a customer and friend shopping for a specific occasion (dance, wedding, school, working out, birthday party etc.).
Spanish 3-4 students are shopping in a large mall in Puerto Rico named Plaza las Americas. 3-4 students will write, proof read and perform a skit that includes a saleperson, a customer and friend shopping for a specific occasion (dance, wedding, school, working out, birthday party etc.).
Analyzing ASL signs
ASl 1 students with Mrs. Redelings worked together in small groups to analyze signs in preparation for
their test on Unit 12. Students signed each sign and broke down each one
into its four constituent parts: handshape, location, palm orientation, and movement. It was great to see every single student engaged in their work!
ASL 3 started to explore how to convert English text to ASL, but seeking to understand the underlying concepts and meaning of English phrases. As a culminating project for the grading period, they will be converting the lyrics of song or lines of some other written work to ASL. Although it will be challenging task, many students are looking forward to it!
into its four constituent parts: handshape, location, palm orientation, and movement. It was great to see every single student engaged in their work!
ASL 3 started to explore how to convert English text to ASL, but seeking to understand the underlying concepts and meaning of English phrases. As a culminating project for the grading period, they will be converting the lyrics of song or lines of some other written work to ASL. Although it will be challenging task, many students are looking forward to it!
A B.A.T.H. to help with the Imperfect tense

Sunday, March 17, 2013
Thank-you! Empty ink-jet cartridges!

Menus, storybooks and AP tests in French!

Students of Second year French are writing narrative story books for
Students of Advanced French are preparing and drilling for the Advanced
Placement French and Culture Exam.
Mrs. McDonald explains Naviance to Sp 5-6
Students in Dr. Jacobson's Spanish 5-6 class were treated to a presentation
by Leslie McDonald who explained the process of accessing information for the
'Entrevista' activity through Naviance.
Spanish 7-8 students presented their prepared descriptions of a product they would sell as representatives of a company traveling to Mexico while AP Spanish students made use of the authentic testing environment in
the library, practicing interpersonal speaking as well as presentational
speaking with tape recorders and AP college board materials.
¿Cómo se dice: "hat" en español?
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Sp 5-6 Mock-Job Interview Project Scheduled!
One of the traditions of Scripps Ranch High School World Languages Department is the mock-job interview project for 3rd year students. Students will dress in appropriate business attire and face a Spanish-speaking member of the community in a one-on-one interview about the job that they have researched and "applied for". Students in classes with Señor Lawhead, Dr. Jacobson and Mrs. Ranzolin will be preparing themselves in the months of March and April for the April 29 & 30 scheduled interviews.
The project consists of career research (through Naviance), a compare/contrast essay, a resumé, the interview and a thank-you letter. Parents can familiarize themselves with the requirements by asking to see their student's Entrevista de Empleo packet.
Interested readers can also view a video of the Entrevista experience by going back in the archives on this blog to April 2011, or this link: Entrevista
The project consists of career research (through Naviance), a compare/contrast essay, a resumé, the interview and a thank-you letter. Parents can familiarize themselves with the requirements by asking to see their student's Entrevista de Empleo packet.
Interested readers can also view a video of the Entrevista experience by going back in the archives on this blog to April 2011, or this link: Entrevista
Une tartine et un jus de pomme in French class

Students of AP French presented countries from French Speaking Africa in
target language explaining geographic interests, challenges in their economy and
politics, and cultural anecdotes.
Ritmos del Caribe
While learning cultural celebrations and music in Puerto Rico, students in
Spanish 3-4 with Profe Bañuelos were introduced to some of the key instruments
that lay the foundation of the beat/rhythm of Caribbean/Latino music.
Hina Matsuri (Girls'Day) in Japanese Class!
Mr. Blackwelder's Japanese 1-2 classes have recently completed doll
projects in a celebration of Hina Matsuri, or Girls' Day, celebrated on March
3rd in Japan, usually by families with daughters. Each student created two- or
three-dimensional dolls and explained their physical characteristics (shape,
body parts, clothing, colors, etc) to the class. Many students also added
information about personalities and likes/dislikes, bringing a creative flair to
the presentations.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Tutoring available -- All Levels!
Please encourage your son or daughter who may be having difficulty to take advantage of the after-school tutoring program offered by the World Languages Department. Tutoring is available in all languages and for all levels. Check the bright green signs posted on doors in the upper-200 wing of the building or ask teachers for details concerning rooms and subjects!
Prep for AP test with Haití & Dominican Republic

Sunday, March 3, 2013
The Irregular "O"

Saturday, March 2, 2013
Omedetou Gozaimasu! JCAP competition!
Congratulations to the Japanese Program that, under Mr. Blackwelder's leadership, had an outstanding performance at the Japanese and Academic Proficiency (JCAP) competition Feb. 23 at San Diego State University! Second-year team: Anita Ito, Alice Kim & Yvette Tan placed 1st overall and 4th-year team: John Berba and Desiree Viola placed 3rd! Omedetou Gozaimasu!
Protegiendo el Ambiente

Reading Pobre Ana!

about Puerto Rico.
Travel Vocab and a French Story
Madame Leidhoff's students of third-year French are role-playing as passengers on a flight.
They are learning vocabulary associated with travel, airports, flights
Students of Advanced French did a representation of the African story, in
French, Le Genie du Mangier.
Menus and the Cocina Criolla
In Señora Lemaitre's 1-2 classes, students are just finishing up with Unit 3,
Lesson 1 where they were introduced to Puerto Rico and la cocina criolla (Puerto Rican traditional cuisine). Students created their own restaurants and
menus, then created a skit where customers and servers interact in Spanish,
ordering food, paying for the meals and practicing proper greetings and
leave-takings. It's great fun to watch. Here is a sample of one of the menus
created by Shea Forrey and Madison Furcolo.
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