Sunday, December 22, 2013
Santons de Noel in French Class
Madame Leidhoff's students of first-year French learned about the
celebration of displaying des Santons de Noel. Les Santons were made
famous by Louis Lagnel in the late 1700s in Provence. He sculpted them out of
clay and with the use of molds, they became available to everyone. They are
usually representations of guilds: blacksmith, vine makers, cheese makers,
seamstress etc. Thanks to donations from families of craft items, we were able
to create our own. Many of our creations were more modern jobs… firefighters,
police officers, actors, hula dancers and Disney workers
Students of second-year French performed musical pieces
and gave cultural presentations of the music. Others chose to cook French and
African dishes and gave cultural presentations in French as well.
¡Cantando con Alegría!
Dr. Jacobson's classes brought holiday cheer to many classrooms as they visited and sang holiday songs in Spanish.
¡Feliz Navaid y Prospero Año Nuevo!
Students in Señor Lawhead's Period 6 class celebrate the end of school for 2013 with a holiday celebration that included holiday songs in Spanish, food and good fellowship.
Talented Student Performs for French Class
Laura Q. plays a French Étude from the Renaissance for Madame Leidhoff's French class in the last week before Winter Break. Note: Laura is an accomplished player who is also working on a Spanish work for two guitars with Señor Lawhead.
Monday, December 16, 2013
French Students Go "Shopping"

of advanced French studied “La Revolution Tranquille” of Quebec and
discussed the cultural icons of this movement. Discussed as well was the
speech Charles
DeGaulle gave to the Quebecois people. Critiques were very insightful.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Students view picture-stories and narrate them!

ASL Creating Stories!

Akemashite Omedetou!

Cursos y La Hora en las clases de 1-2

In Honor of Anchorman 2
Sunday, December 8, 2013
ASL students gloss sentences with each other

Spanish 3-4 students tell each other stories with cartoons!

For more information on TPR/S methods, check out these links:
Busy week in Dr. Jacobson's Spanish classes!

Profe Bañuelos visita Jerusalén, Israel!
Over Thanksgiving break, Profe Bañuelos
traveled to Israel. He had a great time in the cities of Tel Aviv and
Jerusalem, while taking a day trip to the ancient fort of Massada and floating
in the Dead Sea. Pictured is Profe in the Old City part of Jerusalem on Temple
Mount with the Dome of the Rock shrine in the background.
Japanese students complete performance assessment!

Students rewarded with video for high grades!

Pen-Pals in Señora Trott's Class!
In response to the
message from Lawhead Richard, Wed

Trott Janice
Señora Trott's Spanish 1-2
students have just written letters to their pen pals describing their perfect
date. Using these descriptions their pen pals will play matchmaker. This
activity uses nouns, adjectives, verbs and descriptions learned so far this
Fri 12/6

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Happy St. Nicolas Day!

Students of first year French practiced their numbers into
thousands by playing French Monopoly entirely in French while students of second year French are gearing up for cultural
projects of Food or Music from the French-speaking world.
Advanced French students read six different short stories
from Maupassant and did group presentations as well as assessments of them.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Bonne l'Action de Grace!

Today, students of Advanced French participated in a
discussion activities on current events, social issues and opinions of today’s
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Mr. Blackwelder presents at ACTFL in Orlando, FL

La Llorona analyzed in Spanish 5-6

Action Connection Reflection Projects in French

Students of First year French made family trees and
presented their families.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
La Persona Ideal in Spanish 1-2

Trip Project and Fashion Show in Spanish

Les Trois Ours performed by Fr 1-2
Madame Leidhoff's students of French 1 did a theatrical performance of
Les Trois Ours.
Students of French 5 have read a piece of literature
called Tout Bouge Autour de Moi de Dany Laferriere, who is a great
Haitian writer who won the Prix Medicis in 2009. AP French continues to
practice essay writing prompts for the exam….
Pan de Muerto

Sunday, November 3, 2013
Speaker from Madagascar Illuminates French Classes

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Carta al Futuro
Students in Spanish 5-6 with Profe Bañuelos created a four page book to the
future, written for their future grandchild to read it at their 18th birthday.
In it they described themselves, their current arch-enemy, what's going on in
their life now, and what they see themselves doing in their mid-20s to 30s.
Students then shared aloud their books to each other in groups of four. This
student reads about his arch-rival Justin Bieber.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Students getting ready to show that they can SPEAK Spanish too!

In TPR/S, Spanish 5-6 has continued the mini-cuento: ¡Basta, Chismosas! and Spanish 3-4 is working on: No Queda Muy Lejos. These mini-cuentos are helping students to prepare for their first oral testing which will be happening in the next couple of weeks.
Learning Descriptive Classifiers in ASL

ASL 1 students discovered classifiers for the first time
and how they can be used to describe hair and
Spanish students using on-oine websites to improve oral proficiency.

All students have engaged in rigorous study and testing of the present tense, examining stem-changing, spelling irregularities and accent mark placement of a wide array of both regular and irregular verbs. Spanish 5-6 and 7-8 have worked to reinforce their fluency of expression through reading poetry, identifying rhymes, rhythm and various examples of figurative language. Dr. Jacobson read aloud a poem she wrote titled 'Para los Aztecas,' regarding the arrival of Hernán Cortés to Veracruz on the eastern coast of Mexico.
Les étudiants français très occupés
Students of AP French are gearing up for a practice on
the Persuasive Essay portion of the exam.
Students of second and third year French will play the
roles of “les grillots”, in telling an African tale…. Ventre-Rond, a
story from Madagascar about a brother and sister left behind by their parents.
On their ventures, they meet an Ogre!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Progress Reports distributed last Friday!

Back by popular demand...
After spending the weekend in México City, Profe Bañuelos returned to teach his
Spanish 3-4 and 5-6 classes the song and dance of "Ay Si Te Beso" by
Brazilian singer Michel Teló. The lyrics use direct and indirect object
pronouns. Many students requested Profe to teach the song/dance again after
using it last school year.
County Supervisor to speak to World Languages classes!

Classical and Spanish guitar from Los Romeros in Spanish 5-6!

"To be or not to be"? Ser vs. Estar!

and what they do not like. They will present their projects to the class on Friday using only a poster and no written notes.
Spanish 3-4 students have just completed a review of ser/estar and are currently working on stem changing verbs. Their second project "Estrella" will begin next week.
¡Me Gusta Español!
Señorita Chen's Spanish 1-2 classes finished their chapter test last week and are now busy learning how to express their personal likes and dislikes in Spanish.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
First Presentations of the Year in ASL!
Goal: Fluency, Creativity and Accuracy!
Señor Lawhead's Spanish 5-6 classes took a break from the drill-n-kill worksheet reviews for next week's test to hone their speaking skills in Spanish. Students featured are looking at a drawing on the overhead projector and telling the story without notes. Their goal: fluency, creativity and accuracy (in that order)!
Periódico Project in Spanish 5-6

Likes, Dislikes, Debates and Monuments in French!

Students of French 1-2 have begun the to express things they
like and do not care for..
Students of French 3-4 are working hard on the study of
the monuments of Paris. They have chosen a monument and will present its
history, architect, artist to the class next week.
Vivir mi Vida

Sunday, September 29, 2013
Students Sing in Spanish!
Señor Lawhead's class sings the well-known song of the Mexican Revolution "La Cucaracha". Along with singing, students learned a bit about Mexican history and who "La Cucaracha" was.
Vocabulary Quizzes y Mejores Amigos Collages

Spanish 3-4 students are also
preparing a collage of pictures that depict their best friend or a special
family member. Using only this visual clue, students will describe this person
to the rest of the class.
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