Dr. Jacobson's classes brought in the Yuletide cheer to World Languages classes as well as many other departments including the administration. Her students sang: Adoremos Nuestras Casas, El Niño del Tambor and Cascabel. In the video, Señor Lawhead's classes enjoy the singing and celebration of the holiday.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Famous d/Deaf People Presentations

ASL 3 students spent much of this week researching famous d/Deaf people and began scripting their final presentation of the semester. Famous people included Laurent Clerc, the first Deaf teacher in America, I. King Jordan, the first Deaf president at Gallaudet university, Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, and Marlee Matlin, Academy Award-winning Deaf actress (Children of a Lesser God).
TPR/S Preview
Spanish 3-4 students with Profe Bañuelos were introduced to the T.P.R.S.
(Total Physical Response with Storytelling) method used widely in
Señor Lawhead's Spanish 5-6 class. Shown here is a class reading using body
movements to help memorize certain verbs and nouns that are for chapter 2.2.
The story is about Adán getting ready to go out with Mónica.
Bonne Fete!

Students of French 5-6 are studying jobs and careers. Students have
presented what they will be doing in the future. For a seasonal craft project,
students are making Santon de Noel, which are figurines of the guides (jobs) of
Middle Ages. Artisan workshops where these Santon are produced exist today in
Provence today.
French 1-2 students are making a brochure in French of their school.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
More Oral Practice
Students in Señor Lawhead's Spanish 5-6 class continue their preparation for this week's oral test. In this video, Rocky looks at the cartoon (student-work) shown on the whiteboard and tells the story as he understands it. ¡Fantástico, Rocky!
Reporte Deportivo
Students in Spanish 3-4 with Profe Bañuelos worked in groups of six to create a
sports report in one period, reporting on a sports match giving the final result
and interviews with some of the players involved. Much of this used the
preterite tense. This group made their report about a soccer match in England's
Premier League: Arsenal vs. Manchester United.
"El Mercado" Project in Spanish 3-4

Spanish 1-2 classes are preparing for next week's project: "Teach a Lesson". Students are divided into groups and each group has 20 minutes to teach a mini-lesson to the class using material in Chapter 2.1. They can be as creative and they wish, including making puzzles, games, worksheets and pop quizzes.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
La Moda (Fashion) y Turismo in Spanish!

In Ms. Ranzolin's 3-4 class,
students had an oral presentation describing a trip they took. It was so
interesting learning about all the places our students have
Span 5-6 Students Draw Stories & Share!
Señor Lawhead's classes, partnered up during oral practice to draw an original 4-panel cartoon story. When finished, students shared the story orally with another group. Stories were then swapped and the story told by others. This is all visual and oral work. No writing allowed! All in preparation of their second oral test coming up just before Winter break!
The best picture stories will be kept (and students rewarded) for the teacher to use with other classes in the future for TPR Storytelling* practice.
*For more info on TPR/S, check out the links on Señor Lawhead's website!
Spanish 7-8 reads Dr. Jacobson's story
After reading 'El camión de Carlos, a story authored by Dr. Jacobson, her Spanish 7-8 classes practiced critical thinking skills as they
wrote questions to classmates and then responded, demonstrating their ability to
grasp the concepts of comparison, contrast, cause and effect, synthesis,
relevancy and varied types of evaluation.
Students also spent the week
refining their writing skills, developing a formal 5-paragraph essay based on 3
essential qualities of 'Leadership.'
Advanced French Perform Play
Today, Madame Leidhoff's students of Advanced French performed a play from Boris Vian,
Batisseur d'Empire ou le Schmurtz (first act). After the play, the students
spoke to the Honors students about their interpretation of the Schmurtz in the
context of society, families and community.
Language in Action!
This week in Señora Lemaitre's 1-2 classes, students will be performing their
"interpreter" skits. Three actors are needed for each sketch. 1. Interviewer,
2. Interviewee, 3. Interpreter. The questions for the script are provided, but
the answers must be formulated by the students using the verb "Tener" and "Tener
Que" and other conjugated AR verbs, students can explain in the mock interview
that which they "have" and "have to do" on a daily basis. Students seem to
enjoy the opportunity to use their new grammar skills to formulate original
language and perform it for peers. It's language in action!
Profe Visits Tikal
During Thanksgiving Break, Profe Bañuelos traveled to the country of Guatemala
and the state of Chiapas, México to visit four different Mayan archeological
sites: Tikal (in Guatemala [pictured]), Yaxchilán, Bonampak, and Palenque (in
Chiapas, México). Profe was also able to experience one of the indigenous
languages of Chiapas, named Ch'ol.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
2nd Grading Period Ends!
French Students Cook at Home and Present
Madame Leidhoff's French 3-4 students did a cooking project where students cooked something
French at home, using the past tense, presented their culinary delight's image
to the class and gave a regional explanation of the dish.
Mr. Blackwelder's Japanese 3-4 students took part in the 2nd Annual CHOPSTICK OLYMPICS. A true test of dexterity and handling of o-hashi! Beginning with objects thae size of French fries, students passed items from one to another in both time trials and accuracy contests. The final event involved sticky, unwieldy fermented soybeans. All participants prevailed, excited for what the rest of the restaurant unit has in store!
ASL Students Describe People

Tengo Tu Love
In correlation with learning the verb "tener" which means to have,
students in Spanish 1-2 with Profe Bañuelos learned and sang the chorus to the
song by Puerto Rican singer-songwriter Sie7e (seven) titled Tengo Tu
Love. The chorus goes like this:
"Yo tengo tu amor. I got your love. Yo tengo
tu amor. Yo tengo tu love, yeah."
Saturday, November 17, 2012
ASL Presentations Begin!
Three of Mrs. Redelings' ASL 3
students are featured in this video giving their presentations in front of class. Students had interviewed a family member and presented at least twelve pieces of information in chronological order. Students were only permitted to use a picture timeline (no written notes).
ASLPresentations from Richard on Vimeo.
Skits in Spanish 1-2 & 3-4
Señora Trott's Spanish 1-2 and
3-4 classes all finished skits in class this week. Students in Spanish 1-2 did
a role play based on meeting new people, making small talk and introducing
Spanish 3-4 students created a travel skit and had to solve a challenge when something goes wrong at the airport. For example, a lost passport or a missing suitcase. The skits were funny, creative and (mostly) very well done!
Spanish 3-4 students created a travel skit and had to solve a challenge when something goes wrong at the airport. For example, a lost passport or a missing suitcase. The skits were funny, creative and (mostly) very well done!
Famille et Théâtre

Students of AP French Culture and Language are working on the play LES
BATISSEURS DE L'EMPIRE ou Le Schmurtz, by Boris Vian. After researching, they
found this play from the Theatre of the Absurd most interesting to present.
"Yo soy"
Apart from their chapter's regular vocabulary, students in Spanish 1-2 with
Profe Bañuelos learned a special adjective that described a personality or
physical trait of their own. They used that with the phrase "YO SOY..."
Spanish 3-4 students did a writers workshop to improve writing in the preterite tense.
Spanish 3-4 students did a writers workshop to improve writing in the preterite tense.
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Spanish 5-6 students take oral tests
Role-play at La Boulangerie

For example, in la Boulangerie, we are learning that a bakery by the
Luxemburg gardens in Paris sells a baguette for .90 Euros. The bakery design
needs to have 10 products for sale.
"Customers" will "shop" in the stores and cultural role-play will display
and demonstrate gestes, expressions, customs.... in the
La Ecología - Español 7-8
Students in Dr. Jacobson's 7-8 classes developed a presentation related to the
current theme of the vocabulary words they are studying 'La ecología/Ecology.'
Students worked together to produce a public service announcement, poem,
interview with an expert or a song describing the importance of the conservation
of the environment, implementing new words into their script.
Spanish 5-6 students are expanding their knowledge of grammar through power point activities and are developing skits related to the theme of 'friendship.'
After reviewing models of essays, AP Spanish language students engaged in writing an in-class essay based on the analysis of three articles requiring students to explain the authors' perspectives regarding improved economic, educational and health opportunities for youth in Latin America
Spanish 5-6 students are expanding their knowledge of grammar through power point activities and are developing skits related to the theme of 'friendship.'
After reviewing models of essays, AP Spanish language students engaged in writing an in-class essay based on the analysis of three articles requiring students to explain the authors' perspectives regarding improved economic, educational and health opportunities for youth in Latin America
Yo voté. - I voted.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Students Prepare for Oral Exam
Using TPR/S techniques to hone their speaking skills, Señor Lawhead's period 6 students tell the story illustrated by a stick-figure cartoon projected onto the whiteboard. Stephen H. tells his version of the story to Chloe D. who, in turn, will tell him her version. Students have not seen the cartoon before and are confident enough to tell the story without practice nor writing it down.
Tying into Latino communities around the U.S., students in Spanish 1-2 with Profe Bañuelos sampled the unique taste of the Cuban-American carbonated malt beverage Hatuey Malta. Although not famous in North America, it is commonly consumed throughout South America, the Caribbean, and in South Florida. It is sometime referred to "wheat soda," even though it isn't a soda at all.
The "Horror" of Japanese Culture!

Grammar Review & a Jeopardy Game

Aitana B. Studies and Presents Picasso!

Saturday, October 27, 2012
Pen Pals and Posters in Spanish

Spanish 3-4 classes are creating a small poster called: Mi mejor amigo (a). This poster will have a description of their best friend, including why they are friends and what activities they like to do together. The poster will include 3 or 4 visuals that illustrate this friendship. Next week, 3-4 students will start writing their skits about travel to a Spanish speaking country.
Novellas & Experimental Art in French

Students of third year year will do interpretations, biographies and
experimental art and presenting to their
Travel and Fairy Tales in Spanish

"Entrevista y Retrato" Project
Spanish 5-6 students in Señor Lawhead's classes completed their Interview and Portrait projects. After interviewing their partner and writing a paragraph with the information, students drew a portrait of him/her. This fun activity teaches Unit 1:1 vocabulary and allows some truly gifted artists to shine. It also creates a lot of hilarity (humility?) among those of us not blessed with artistic skills!
EntrevistaRetrato from Richard on Vimeo.
Test Dividers to Insure Security
Speaker Encourages Bilingualism

Monday, October 22, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Great California Shakeout

Spanish 5-6 students peer-edit projects
"Me gusta..." (I like to...)
Students in Spanish 1-2 with Profe Bañuelos learned how to say what activities they like to do using the first person, second person, and third person. Pictured here is Erica who likes to play soccer (fútbol), and Nick, who likes to play football (fútbol americano). Spanish 3-4 students learned about direct and indirect objects.
L'Automobile Francaise

Students of first year French are drilling and practicing their ER verbs,
creating sentences using visuals, playing verb conjugating games, and TPRS
Sunday, October 14, 2012
¡Gracias! Merci! Arigato!
Thank-you Weber family for your generous donation of a Staples gift card! We will put it to good use! By the way, families, keep those empty ink-jet cartridges (and laser cartridges) coming in! The Staples recycling program is providing us with a steady stream of gift certificates for office supplies. Thank-you parents and thank-you Staples!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Teachers attend Deaf cultural event!
French Students Study Impressionism

Students of first year French will present a "T-shirt" that shows representations of themselves, their likes and dislikes and things that they do.
El Aeropuerto - Spanish travel vocabulary

Folk Tales and Music
Spanish students in Dr. Jacobson's classes submitted their first essay based on
the theme of the qualities of a good friend. After watching the videos of the
Columbian folktales El tigre ñato (The pug-nosed tiger) and La mujer pez (The
fish woman), students read the scripts and answered questions requiring the
analysis of the past vs the imperfect verb forms used in the story. In
addition, students practiced auditory skills and grammar knowledge as they wrote
about what they understood while watching a video about a girl's memories of
summers during her childhood. Students then read their summaries aloud to a
AP students enjoyed listening to a recording of 'El décimo', and participated in comprehension activities with the use of bilingual dictionaries.
AP students enjoyed listening to a recording of 'El décimo', and participated in comprehension activities with the use of bilingual dictionaries.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Mucho progreso en Español 1-2
In Señora Lemaitre's Spanish 1/2 classes, students have successfully finished up
Lección Preliminar and are on their way to Unit 1! So far, they can hold basic
conversations to exchange greetings and introductions, share phone numbers, talk
about the weather, and respond correctly to classroom instructions. Looking
forward to a great week!
Story-telling in Spanish 5-6!
Señor Lawhead's students are preparing for next week's review exam as well as honing their conversational skills using TPR/S methods. The new exercise for this week was choosing 4-5 random words from our lists and to tell 2-3 quick stories off the top of their heads using each one of the words in any order necessary.
French students put in beaucoup d'efforts!

Students of French 3-4 performed their First Benchmark - interviews on getting to know one another. It was very impressive, completely memorized with excellent verbal cues, intonation and cultural gestes.
Students of Advanced French submitted their final drafts of their essays - nicely polished
City presentations in Japanese. See example!
Mr. Blackwelder's Japanese 3-4 class has just completed city project
presentations in which students shared information on a variety of major
Japanese cities: from Sapporo in the north to Naha in the south. Information in
the presentations included geography, topography, famous sights, festivals,
notable cuisine, history, and interesting trivia! Students were also instructed
to use as much Japanese as possible during the course of the 2-3 minute
A number of students in both 1st and 3rd period also used prezi, the free online presentation template. Below is one of the more innovative presentations. Enjoy!
A number of students in both 1st and 3rd period also used prezi, the free online presentation template. Below is one of the more innovative presentations. Enjoy!
"¡Dame otro!" (Give me another!)

"La Amistad" Students write essays on friendship!
Students in Dr. Jacobson's Spanish 5-6 class began a review of grammar,
comparing the past, imperfect and present tenses. In addition, students
described pictures they brought to class.
After having analyzed the figurative language (e.g. alliteration, metaphor, simile) in the poem 'Amigo mío', students in Spanish 7/8 are writing their first essay, focusing on the theme of friendship. The essay includes a conventional introduction, thesis statement, supportive details as well as evidence of critical analysis and application of the student's thesis to related concepts. As a tool for achieving native like pronunciation, students read aloud their first paragraphs to classmates, using their writing as an avenue through which to demonstrate their speaking skills.
In addition to writing a 5 paragraph essay, AP Spanish students evaluated their personal vocabulary and grammar knowledge through comprehension activities derived from listening and reading selections in commercially produced AP Spanish materials.
After having analyzed the figurative language (e.g. alliteration, metaphor, simile) in the poem 'Amigo mío', students in Spanish 7/8 are writing their first essay, focusing on the theme of friendship. The essay includes a conventional introduction, thesis statement, supportive details as well as evidence of critical analysis and application of the student's thesis to related concepts. As a tool for achieving native like pronunciation, students read aloud their first paragraphs to classmates, using their writing as an avenue through which to demonstrate their speaking skills.
In addition to writing a 5 paragraph essay, AP Spanish students evaluated their personal vocabulary and grammar knowledge through comprehension activities derived from listening and reading selections in commercially produced AP Spanish materials.
Spanish con "Accento Cubano"
Spanish 1-2 students acted out charades to memorize classroom commands.
Monday, October 1, 2012
¡Buenos Días! Students act out introductions.
Students in Ms. LeMaitre's Spanish 1-2 class act out basic greetings and pleasantries in a skit performed in front of class.
Friday, September 28, 2012

Students of French 3-4 are learning about Paris: they have drawn maps and
are learning about the monuments. They have also taken a culture tour with Rick
ASL students learning glossing skills

In ASL 1, students played a spirited game in which they used their newly found glossing skills. Although ASL has no written system, our current textbook uses the nearest English equivalents, known as "glosses," to represent signs, along with a picture.
¡Cantamos en español!
With a nod to Señora Morrill, Señor Lawhead leads his class in singing Marisabel. Besides pronunciation practice, the songs that students sing teach history and grammar, not to mention just being fun!
¡Muchas Banderas!
Students in Spanish 1-2 with Profe Bañuelos took part of an activity where they
tried to name all the countries of the 20 Spanish-speaking flags on the ceiling
of his classroom. Spanish 3-4 students learned how give affirmative commands
toward their peers.
¡Muchas Gracias!

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